June 25, 2023

Pastor: David range

June 25, 2023

Miramar United Methodist Church

in the heart of Miramar, a place for gathering, healing, and sending out friends, helping to create a sense of family to find new life in Christ.
Part of the United Methodist family where we make disciples for the
Transformation of the world.

Order of Worship
June 25, 2023 
8:30 and 11:00 a.m. services

Please see the end of the bulletin for some additional important information


Hymn 724 On Jordan’s Stormy Banks I Stand

1 On Jordan's stormy banks I stand, and cast a wishful eye
to Canaan's fair and happy land, where my possessions lie.
I am bound for the promised land, I am bound for the promised land;
O, who will come and go with me? I am bound for the promised land.

2 O'er all those wide extended plains shines one eternal day;
there God the Son forever reigns, and scatters night away. 
I am bound for the promised land, I am bound for the promised land;
O, who will come and go with me? I am bound for the promised land.

3 No chilling winds or poisonous breath can reach that healthful shore;
sickness and sorrow, pain and death, are felt and feared no more.
I am bound for the promised land, I am bound for the promised land;
O, who will come and go with me? I am bound for the promised land.

4 When I shall reach that happy place, I'll be forever blest,
for I shall see my Father's face, and in his bosom rest.
I am bound for the promised land, I am bound for the promised land;
O, who will come and go with me? I am bound for the promised land.

WORDS: Samuel Stennett, 1787 MUSIC: The Southern Harmony, 1835; arr. by Rigdon M. McIntosh, 1895



Come into His Presence
Come into His presence with thanksgiving in your heart and give Him praise, and give Him praise.
Come into His presence with thanksgiving in your heart, 
your voices raise, your voices raise.
Give glory and honor and power unto Him, Jesus, the name above all names.

Great And Mighty
Great and mighty is the Lord our God: Great and mighty is He
Great and mighty is the Lord our God: Great and mighty is He
Lift up your banner let the anthem ring praises to our King.
Great and mighty is the Lord our God: Great and mighty is He

In His Time
In his time, in his time, he makes all things beautiful in his time
Lord please show me every day, as you’re teaching me your way
that you do just what you say, in your time.

In your time, in your time, you make all things beautiful, in your time
Lord, my life to you I bring, may each song I have to sing
be to you a lovely thing, in your time.

O, the Glory of Your Presence
Oh, the glory of Your presence,
We, Your temple, give You rev’rence.
Come and rise to Your rest and be blessed by our praise
as we glory in Your embrace;
As Your presence now fills this place.


Birthdays and Anniversaries

Happy birthday to you, Jesus loves you it’s true, 
May the Lord bless and keep you, 
Happy birthday to you.

Happy Anniversary to you, happy Anniversary to you
Happy Anniversary dear friends, happy Anniversary to you

TODAY: Church Prayer meeting at 7:30 p.m.

NEXT SUNDAY: Worship Services at 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. You are invited to share Holy Communion online by preparing the elements of bread and juice and joining in prayer with those on the sanctuary.

Summer Camp July 3 to 8 is available for those going into 4th grade to 12th grade. Pastor David can drive the bus but parents and their youth need to register online at  https://wwumccc.org/programs/classic-camps/ and talk to Pastor David about the three tiers of pricing for the camp this year.

Pastor Donnie McClurkin the “Reigning King of Urban Gospel” will be performing at the Miramar Cultural Center on Saturday, July 22 at 8:00 p.m., Allison Feurtado will have tickets for sale at $50. Please contact her at 954 483 3792 if you are interested in a great night out. See flyer at the end of the bulletin.

For Sharing of the Spirit, please wave at the YouTube camera and say, “the peace of the Lord be with you,” and then wave at your neighbor in the sanctuary and say, “and also with you”.

Please stand for the gospel of Matthew 10:1-13, 40-42


Sacrament of Baptism:

Brothers and Sisters in Christ; through the Sacrament of Baptism we are initiated into Christ’s holy Church.  We are incorporated into God’s mighty acts of salvation and given new birth through water and the Spirit.  All this is God’s gift, offered to us without price.

Abbygail-Grace Emmanuel has been brought for baptism by her parents, family and godparents today.  We ask them to respond to these questions as a testimony to their faith, and I ask the congregation to pledge to help them in their task.
To the family and godparents, I ask these questions:
On behalf of the whole Church, I ask you: Do you renounce the spiritual forces of wickedness, reject the evil powers of this world, and repent of your sin?  I do.

Do you accept the freedom and power God gives you to resist evil, injustice, and oppression in whatever forms they present themselves?  I do.

Do you confess Jesus Christ as your Savior, put your whole trust in his grace, and promise to serve him as your Lord, in union with the Church which Christ has opened to people of all ages, nations, and races?  I do.

Will you nurture this child in Christ’s holy Church, that by your teaching and example she may be guided to accept God’s grace for herself, and profess her faith openly, and to lead a Christian life?  I will.

Now to the congregation I ask:
Do you, as Christ’s body, the Church, reaffirm both your rejection of sin and your commitment to Christ?
We do.

Will you nurture one another in the Christian faith and life and include these persons and all the children in this church, in your care?

With God’s help we will proclaim the good news and live according to the example of Christ.  We will surround these persons with a community of love and forgiveness, that they may grow in their service to others.  We will pray for them, that they may be true disciples who walk in the way that leads to life.

Let us pray: Eternal Father: When nothing existed but chaos, you swept across the dark waters and brought forth light.  In the days of Noah you saved those on the ark through water.  After the flood you set in the clouds a rainbow.  When you saw your people as slaves in Egypt, you led them to freedom through the sea.  Their children you brought through the Jordan to the land which you promised.

In the fullness of time you sent Jesus, nurtured in the water of a womb.  He was baptized by John and anointed by your Spirit.  He called his disciples to share in the baptism of his death and resurrection and to make disciples of all nations.

Pour out your Holy Spirit, to bless this gift of water and Abbygail-Grace who receives it, to wash away her sin and clothe her in righteousness throughout her life, that, dying and being raised with Christ, she may share in his final victory.

Bless the home of Abbygail-Grace, give wisdom and affection to her parents, grant to her godparents understanding and guidance, and, most of all, build up the love which conquers all evil and instills the grace to lead a Christian life.  We ask in Jesus’ name.  

All praise to you, Eternal Father, through your Son Jesus Christ, who with you and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns forever. Amen.

Abbygail-Grace, I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.  Amen
The Holy Spirit work within you, that being born through water and the Spirit, you may be a faithful disciple of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Now it is our joy to welcome our new sister in Christ.
Through baptism you are incorporated by the Holy Spirit into God’s new creation and made to share in Christ’s royal priesthood.  We are all one in Christ Jesus.  With joy and thanksgiving, we welcome you as a member of the family of Christ.

*HYMN 364 Because He Lives+

1 God sent his Son, they called him Jesus;
He came to love, heal, and forgive;
He lived and died to buy my pardon,
An empty grave is there to prove my Savior lives.

Because he lives I can face tomorrow,
Because he lives all fear is gone;
Because I know he holds the future.
And life is worth the living just because he lives.

2 How sweet to hold a newborn baby,
And feel the pride, and joy she gives;
But greater still the calm assurance,
This child can face uncertain days because He lives.

Because he lives I can face tomorrow,
Because he lives all fear is gone;
Because I know he holds the future.
And life is worth the living just because he lives.

3 And then one day I’ll cross the river,
I’ll fight life’s final war with pain;
And then as death gives way to victory,
I’ll see the lights of glory and I’ll know he reigns

Because he lives I can face tomorrow,
Because he lives all fear is gone;
Because I know he holds the future.
And life is worth the living just because he lives.

WORDS: Glory and William J. Gaither, 1971 MUSIC: William J. Gaither, 1971

Please place your offering in the baskets at the 3 doors leading into the sanctuary on your way in or out.

The Mission Offering today is for Apportionments 
Next Sunday our Mission Offering goes to Good Samaritan Fund

Prayer of Dedication

One minute musical interlude while worshipers prepare their offering. Instructions for giving online, by check or text are in the section after the Order of Service.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow, 
praise him all creatures here below, 
praise him above, ye heavenly hosts, 
praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen

(please email miramarpastor@gmail.com)

PRAYER HYMN 500 Spirit of God, Descend Upon my Heart+

1 Spirit of God, descend upon my heart;
wean it from earth; through all its pulses move;
Stoop to my weakness, mighty as thou art,
and make me love thee as I ought to love.

2 I ask no dream, no prophet ecstasies,
no sudden rending of the veil of clay,
no angel visitant, no opening skies;
but take the dimness of my soul away. 

3 Hast thou not bid me love thee, God and King?
All, all thine own, soul, heart and strength and mind.
I see thy cross; there teach my heart to cling.
O let me seek thee, and O let me find!

4 Teach me to feel that thou art always nigh;
teach me the struggles of the soul to bear.
To check the rising doubt, the rebel sigh,
teach me the patience of unanswered prayer.

5 Teach me to love thee as thine angels love,
one holy passion filling all my frame;
the kindling of the heaven-descended Dove;
my heart an altar, and thy love the flame.

WORDS: George Croly, 1867 MUSIC: Frederick C. Atkinson, 1870


The Lord’s Prayer (Hymn 271) Caribbean version

1. Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, hallowed be thy name.

2. O the  earth as it is in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
Give us this day our daily bread, hallowed-a be thy name.

3. And forgive all our trespasses, hallowed be thy name.
As we forgive those who trespass against us, hallowed be thy name.

4. And lead us not into temptation, hallowed be thy name.
But deliver us from all that is evil, hallowed be thy name.

5. For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, hallowed be thy name
For ever and ever, for ever and ever, hallowed be thy name.

6. Amen, amen, it shall be so, hallowed be thy name.
Amen, amen, it shall be so, hallowed be thy name

WORDS: Matthew 6:9-13; adapt. by J. Jefferson Cleveland and Verolga Nix, 1981 MUSIC: West Indian folk tune; arr. by Carlotn R. Young, 1988

SERMON: How cold is your water?     Pastor David Range

HYMN OF SENDING FORTH 480 O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go+

O Love that wilt not let me go, I rest my weary soul in thee;
I give thee back the life I owe, that in thine ocean depths 
its flow may richer, fuller be.

2 O Light that followest all my way, I yield my flickering torch to thee;
my heart restores its borrowed ray, that in thy sunshine's blaze
its day may brighter, fairer be. 

3 O Joy that seekest me through pain, I cannot close my heart to thee;
I trace the rainbow thru the rain, and feel the promise is not vain, 
that morn shall tearless be. 

4 O Cross that liftest up my head, I dare not ask to fly from thee;
I lay in dust life's glory dead, and from the ground there blossoms 
red life that shall endless be. 

WORDS: George Matheson, 1882 MUSIC: Albert L. Peace, 1884

+All music under ccli #24249


We give God thanks for this opportunity to worship together in-person in our sanctuary as well as online. Please wear your mask and greet each with a wave, an elbow or fist bump. Please maintain social distance and sit at either end or the middle of the pew.  In the pews we ask you to sit, in every other pew, spaced out as best you can. Seats are also available in the foyer and the fellowship hall if needed. Both have been set up with screens for the PowerPoint presentation and live video stream from the pulpit. We will continue to live stream the services on Twitter and YouTube for those who would like to continue to participate from home. 

The offering will be received in the baskets at the three entry points of the sanctuary. No bulletins will be handed out, everything you need will be on the screens. No need to call or email ahead for a place to worship, you are invited to the sanctuary any time for in-person worship. Come as you are!

Remember there are two ways you can watch our services. One is on YouTube.com by typing in the search bar: Miramar UMC and then you should see the service live streamed. If you subscribe to our service through YouTube.com you can set up reminders for the day before or 15 minutes before, whatever you like.
The other way to “gather” in virtual worship is through the Twitter service available by going to our miramarumc.org website. Pass around the information so that others may join in worship by clicking on the Twitter bird icon on the home page. We will continue our 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. services (except when we have a fifth Sunday of the month 10:00 a.m. service.) If you lose the service for a few seconds do not worry it will probably come back, but if it is longer than a few seconds you might try clicking the refresh button in your browser window.  

Please email your prayer requests for uplifting on Sundays by sending them to miramarpastor@gmail.com. It is best if you send them by Saturday NOON if possible.
Our church prayer meeting is online on Sundays at 7:30 p.m. and you may contact Marvia Aitken or Vinessa Edwards mamaness@bellsouth.net for the link.
This week, Monday through Thursday there will be someone in the church office from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. each day, and you may make an appointment to see the pastor at these or other times. Please remember to enter from the south entrance near the Pastor’s office. No other doors will be open for church business. The preschool is open but you should still come in by the south entrance because the north entrance from the parking lot must be dedicated for the little children of the preschool. Please let friends with preschool aged children know that they can enroll the children in our preschool.

WAYS to give:
1.  Online giving is available through our website miramarumc.org. On the home page the ‘Donate’ icon (a hand with a dollar sign above it) is located at the top left corner and on the right under “Contact Us” you will see the same icon along with “Donate Online.” Click on either location for instructions. If you need help call the church office at 954-989-4711. Thanks to all who have signed up for this. The regular tithes and offerings of the church are a great source of blessing.
 2. You can also mail a check to Miramar United Methodist Church. If you have your offering envelopes you will see that the address of the church is printed for mailing purposes and your offering can be mailed in this envelope when you apply a stamp. You may also use a regular envelope and address it to: MUMC, 2507 Utopia Drive, Miramar FL 33023. Just put your check inside, mark which funds you would like to support, put a stamp on and let the United States Postal Service do the rest! Or bring it by after the Sunday services, someone will be in the church for one hour after the worship finishes as well as Mon-Thurs 1-5 pm. We trust God will keep us strong.
3.  Also, we have the option of giving by text!  Use 833-931-1791 to GivePlusText and when you text any amount, by putting that number in the message, you will be prompted to register, then fill out the details of your name, address and means of payment, and the contribution will go in! If you enter an email address you will get an immediate receipt. It is easy! If you have an Apple phone you may also get Vanco’s GivePlusMobile by downloading the app from the App Store. You may also look up YouTube videos to show how all this is done.
Thank you for your prayers!  Grace and peace, Pastor David